Popular comedian, Mr Funny, also known as has released another hilarious comedy skit titled, “Sabinus goes for interview and meets nkubi.”
Sabinus, while in another job interview, was asked by the interviewer if he brought the necessary documents. He confirmed and presented his birth certificate.
The interviewer asked if he was 48 years old based on what he saw on the birth certificate. The comedian stated that it was an error and apologized.
The interviewer then revealed that Sabinus appointment letter was ready and he could resume the following day.
Afterwards, Nigerian comedian, Nkubi walked in and was speaking with the interviewer when Mr Funny interrupted.
Sabinus asked Nkubi why he stepped on him, stating that he is disrespectful. He lashed out on Nkubi because of his small stature not knowing he was the son to the CEO of the company he just got employed to.