Brain jotter, the renowned comedian drops another hilarious classroom comedy skit titled “Learn French in One Minute.”
Brain Jotter, known as Corper Aproko in his comedy skit, was called upon by the principal of the school since the French teacher was absent and he studied French.
The comedian reluctantly obeyed and went to the class. He got angry when the students greeted him and asked them to shut up.
Corper Aproko informed the class that he will be teaching them French, explaining to them how “Bonjour” means “good morning.”
He explained that, “The ‘Bon’ there means ‘Good’ and ‘jour’ means ‘morning’.”
Brain Jotter then explained “Ale” means “go.” It became obvious that he wasn’t teaching the right thing.
He left the class afterwards and one of his students immediately complained to the principal.
She complained that the comic act was not teaching anything as he just showed to the class and left.
Brain Jotter was scolded back to the class by the principal and he converted the class to a dance session.