Renowned comic act, Mr Macaroni, also known as Daddy Wa has dropped another funny comedy skit titled, “Olumba Ozumba” featuring Nigerian socialite, Pretty Mike.
Motunde, Daddy Wa and Mummy Wa’s daughter, called them to the sitting room that she has something very important to discuss with them.
Daddy Wa immediately concluded that she is pregnant. Mummy Wa broke down in tears as she wondered what her friends would say. She added, “And I am always advising you that your father met me as a virgin.”
The comedian screamed in response to her claim and they exchanged words back and forth for some time.
Afterwards, Motunde claimed she is still a virgin. Mr Macaroni also refuted her claims, reminding her of when she stayed at Nigerian Singer, Portable’s house for 5 days.
Motunde confirmed that nothing happened as he didn’t get to her turn before she came home. It was then Mummy Wa and Daddy wa remembered Portable has 5 wives.
Motunde continued, apologizing to her parents. She said;
“First of all, I want to apologize to you two. I know you two have been through alot and you been very patient with me with this whole husband search and everything. I’m very sorry Daddy and Mummy.”
Motunde added that this time around, she has brought good news as she has finally found the lucky person who is going to make her parents proud of her.
Mr. Macaroni instantly sent her N1 million since he was pleased with the news and could tell she was sincere.
When she was asked to go bring her new suitor, she came back with Pretty Mike, who made a fetish entrance with other unknown persons while chanting “Olumba Ozumba.”