Popular Nigerian comedy, Josh2funny after a little break has come with another hilarious audition comedy titled, “Siddu from India performs maahi ve.”
Josh2funny came on to the stage, still tightening his wrapper in the opening scene. When the judges asked what his name was and where he was from, the comedian confirmed that his name is Siddu and he is from India.
One of the judges asked in confusion, “India as a country or as a WhatsApp group.” Josh2funny reaffirmed that he is Indian.
The other judge asked, “What will you be doing for us today?”
The comic act replied, “I want to act Indian film.”
After the judge said he wasn’t sounding like an Indian, the comic act changed his accent.
Josh2funny was given the floor to perform and he assured them that they were going to cry as it was an emotional film.
Watch how he narrated the film and acted it alone on the stage.