MR FUNNY LATEST COMEDY: Sabinus does interview presentation with Dr. Chidi | WATCH


Mr Funny, also known as Sabinus goes on a panel interview with top directors in his latest comedy skit titled, “Sabinus does interview presentation with Dr. Chidi.”

Sabinus was walking into a conference room as it was his turn to be interviewed for a job. Before he entered, the lady before him was leaving the room happily.

The comedian asked if she got the job and she confirmed. He greeted Dr. Chidi, who was in the conference room, seated with his other colleagues.

When Dr. Chidi asked if he was the next applicant, he said yes and was offered a seat.

Dr. Chidi asked Sabinus was ready but he didn’t respond as he was lost looking around the conference room.

When Dr. Chidi finally got his attention, he proceeded with the interview. He said,

“I am going to ask you a few questions to know how ready you are for this job. In human anatomy, we have the head. So what comes after the head?”

As you would expect, Sabinus answered the interview question in the weirdest possible way.


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