In another hilarious comedy skit from renowned comedian, Brain Jotter in one of his classroom sessions, he educated his students on their future in 1 minute.
You will be shocked that Brain Jotter is still employed as a teacher at a school despite all of his instructional shortcomings.
This time, the comedian lectured his students in “Question Tags,” and as to be expected, he did so in a manner that only pleased him.
He outlined numerous hilarious examples, such as “She kill it, Killn’t she.”
While his students were still in confusion, Brain Jotter reverted to Igbo at a point and one of the students had to ask why.
In response, the comedian said that both English and Igbo are languages. He then asked the student what he wants to become in future.
The student said; “After my secondary school, I want to go to a University, get a good grade, come out and work in a very prestigious company and become a millionaire and get married before 25.”
Brain Jotter laughed at the student’s response, and his class immediately became one of “future revelations.”